- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Taiwan. 資料來源:我國經濟部國貿局。
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), ROC. 资料来源:我国经济部国际贸易局。
- The current account is the broadest measure of foreign trade. 经常帐户(?)是外贸的最广泛的量度。
- Mr.Huang received his LLM from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. 在上海对外贸易学院获得法学硕士学位。
- state monoply of material supply and marketing 统配包销
- The department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council may, concurrently, revoke its foreign trade license. 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。
- The State shall support and promote the development of foreign trade in national autonomous areas and economically under-developed areas. 第三十七条国家扶持和促进民族自治地方和经济不发达地区发展对外贸易。
- Joint venture of foreign trade company: Spring is coming? 合资外贸公司:春天来临?
- The State encourages the development of foreign trade, exercises the initiative of localities and safeguards the autonomy of business operation of the foreign trade operators. 国家鼓励发展对外贸易,发挥地方的积极性,保障对外贸易经营者的经营自主权。
- The State may take import and export credit, export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade. 第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。
- That the expansion of foreign trade must not be neglected goes without saying. 扩大对外贸易不可忽略,这是肯定无疑的。
- He was soon promoted to the post of superintendent of Foreign Trade. 他很快就被擢升为对外贸易总监。
- Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 出口许可证申请人应与外贸部联系。
- To be frank,the mainland's volume of foreign trade is less than that of Taiwan. 坦率地说,现在我们的对外贸易总额还不如台湾多。
- Excuse me. I'm Liu Li from the Liaison Office of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 对不起,我是外贸部联络处的刘莉。
- A Brief Commentary on the Article 201 of Foreign Trade Laws of the U. S. 简评美国对外贸易法201条款的使用。
- We should continue to carry out the basic state policy of opening to the outside world, work to open up more markets abroad and strive to expand foreign trade and make more use of foreign funds. 今年要继续贯彻对外开放的基本国策,努力开拓国际市场,力争对外贸易和利用外资有所增长。
- Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA, the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade. 在贸易和价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。
- We have only a small percentage of foreign books. 我们只有一少部分外文书。
- We should continue to carry out the basic state policy of opening to the outside world,work to open up more markets abroad and strive to expand foreign trade and make more use of foreign funds. 今年要继续贯彻对外开放的基本国策,努力开拓国际市场,力争对外贸易和利用外资有所增长。